
Prajwal Bende

Curriculum Vitae

About Me

If a MACHINE can LEARN from EXPERIENCE, then why can't YOU ?

I am a pre-final undergraduate student of Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. A Machine Learning Enthusiasist. An avid LEARNER.


University of Alberta

Research Intern

Working on Medical Applications of Machine Learning

Froot Research

Remote Research Intern

Working on Healthcare Applications of Machine Learning in Wearable Industry

University of Maryland

Remote Research Intern

Worked on the detection of depression from Speech using Machine Learning


Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

July 2016 - June 2021

Dual Degree in Electrical Engineering with Specialization in Signal Processing

CGPA : 7.88* (Upto 6th Semester)

Courses Taken

  • Deep Learning Foundations and Applications
  • Programming and Data Structures
  • Computer Organization and Operating Systems
  • Probability and Stochastic processes
  • Matrix Algebra
  • Transform Calculus
  • Embedded Systems
  • Signals and Networks
  • Digital Electronics
  • Analog Electronics
  • Electronic Instruments
  • Power Electronics
  • Control Systems Engineering


Audio Visual Emotion Challenge 2018

Predicting PHQ-8 Depression Scores from Speech Signals using Deep Learning (AVEC-2018).
Guided by Prof. Carol-Espy Wilson, Department of ECE, University of Maryland, USA.
Used techniques like Convolutional Neural Networks, LSTMs etc

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Biomedical Signal Processing

Working with a startup, Froot Research on revolutionalizing wearable industry with the fusion of
state of the art Signal processing and Machine Learning Algorithms
Dealing with Medical time series data including ECG, EEG, PPG etc.

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Machine Learning in Agriculture

Predicting properties of Soil from images taken from Mobile Camera
Further, made a low cost Spectrometer to capture spectrogram of Soil samples and predicting soil element wise content using them.

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Object Detection and Segmentation using Deep Learning

Implemented object detection algorithms like R-CNN, F-RCNN, YOLO (written from scratch) etc. to detect objects in images
Applications include detecting scratches/dents on vehicles, detecting stray plants on land from drone images,
virtual clothes try-on using segmentation etc.
Further, used ImageAI library for real time object detection

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All Campus Controllable Hostel Room Automation System

Used ESP8266 Node MCU Wifi Module to build an Hostel Room Automation System
which can controlled from anywhere in IIT KGP campus
Hosted the controller interface on local IP thus enabling user to control it via smartphone or laptop with an HTML browser installed

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